Make an Unforgettable Moment with GolGift

Order fresh roses quickly and simply. Guaranteed services and best quality are brought to you by GolGift.

GolGift makes it easy

Send gifts in just three simple steps. Track the preparation and the delivery.

Browse Products
First step: You browse the products and select your desired gift.

Enter Information
Second step: You enter the receiver’s information, time of delivery, etc. You can also add a free customized postal card to your order.

Purchase Order
Last step: You purchase your order through Paypal or Shetab gateways.

Tracking Order
After completing these step, you will be notified about the preparation and delivery of your gift.

Say hello to GolGoft and it's amazing Features.

Let's explore GolGift application and its features.

Customize Orders

You can add a FREE postal card with various types of content (text, image or handwritten content) to your order.

Track Orders

After purchasing a gift, we notify you about the status of you gift through personal notifications.

Feedback Messages

After delivering your gift, we record receiver’s feedback messages in the form of audio, video and pictures. They will be available for you through the application.

Multi Platform

GolGift works on both Android and iOS platforms, and syncs users’ data through cloud.

Premium Features

GolGift provides features like special offers, free shipping, etc. for premium users.

Payment Gateways

Dollar or Rial, no difference! Pay how you prefer.

GolGift Statistics!



Purchased Orders




Used Flowers


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Roobitech or GolGift

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